Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Stress of Going Green

Recently me and my partner–in-crime decided to start leaving a smaller footprint on this earth. We quickly realized that it was easier said than done. We vowed never to shop at the evil Stop & Shop (our local supermarket) and decided to give Whole Foods and Trader Joes 1/4 of our paychecks instead. There are many pros to this switch such as free samples. Who doesn't like going into a supermarket and having a little snack as you walk around? The free samples are different from places like BJ's (whole sale markets) in that the people have a little more class in how they approach the free sample, almost as if by accident. At BJ's its like a herd of elephants going for the freebie and you can see fear in the sample ladies eyes, and those people aren't afraid to knock your ass out of the way. Another pro is that you feel good about yourself as you’re picking fresh wholesome products (errr ignore the cookies in the cart) and that you are also supporting local businesses. Now the cons are the price difference. Some will argue that it’s almost the same price to live greener, but I would say no way! For instances a "green" shaver is about $8 with an additional cartridge. A non "green" shaver is about $4 and you get 4 in the package. This is the same for toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc. The food is also a lot pricier but the selection is greater and you can really taste the difference. I just thought of another pro! The nylon shopping bags! I feel hella hip walking out of the store (and to my apartment) carrying a nylon shopping bag. The con is that I have to buy garbage bags :( because I used to re-use my shopping bags for trash. Anyways, this is the first blog of many about going green. Were still kinda new at it, but we are learning as we go.

-A question to ponder: Why aren’t most organic products and/or environmentally friendly products packaged in recyclable packages?


Unknown said...

Oh the woes of going green! I think we can consider ourselver super successful when we get our poopers (the cats) to use environmentally friendly litter.

Unknown said...

You're not green! You leave the water running while you brush your teeth!!