Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Peak-Oil" and other fun stuff I learned today...

Today I had to catch up on my communications class. This meant watching several online lectures about how we as American's over consume. What I had never fully realized was the impact that oil has on our consumption. Oil is used to create virtually everything we consume, with almost no exceptions. I had no idea that every product in my home was directly linked to oil. I thought that with the loss of oil it would mean the loss of cars and planes. I did not realize it meant the end of convience and plastic bags and mass food production and most importantly jobs. I can't ever imagine a day when there will be no energy to zap up my computer or heat my home. We have grown accustomed to our lifestyle of convenience and we have not been careful about it in any way. There seems to be no clear answers as to oil alternatives either, which makes the future look somewhat bleak. I try and stay optomisitc (mainly because I have an awesome girlfriend who keeps me on track) but the whole world needs to come together and realize that we are destroying this earth and we need to stop. There is absolutely no reason why we cannot reduce our consumption considerably. Now is the time to invest in alternate energy sources. It is not about today anymore, we must now collectively look towards tomorrow. After all, what is the point of having children if there will be no earth for them to live on?

Peak-Oil = is the point or timeframe at which the maximum global petroleum production rate is reached (we reached this in 1971) after achieving this maximum petroleum production rate we can never attain it again, however our petroleum needs increase by large amounts every year, this is kinda scary. Well, if you have a lot of money its not that scary (yet). It is not as if there will come a day when the world has no oil, its more like a slow drip of what we have left, and only the rich are going to be able to afford it.

Important things to consider: What will happen to the suburbs? How will this effect giants like Wal-mart? Why are we really at war with Iraq?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those are many questions to ponder my dear grasshopper.