Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cafe Blues

So my lovely and intelligent girlfriend had an engineering thing in Boston so I tagged along. I didn’t feel particularly comfortable surrounded by engineers (being that I am a history major, lol!) so I opted out and headed to the coffee shop to do some homework (and blog!!!). Imagine my surprise when I am prompted to pay up if I want to use the shop's Internet! Now I am no cheapy but paying $3.95 an hour just seems comcast-ish to me, being that it is overpriced and slow as hell. Course I immediately went digging for my wallet to use the snail service. I feel that Internet usage should be free in places of business simply because you have to (or should at least) purchase products (i.e. coffee/snacks/etc). I remember this particular coffee shop having free Internet two years ago, wonder what happened? Either way I paid so I guess I can’t really complain anymore...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought Boston went Wi-Fi??