Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Change Game

So today I decided to go out for coffee and brekkers with my girlfriend. We adore this cute little cafe downtown called Woodstar, but it’s a cash only place (boo!) These days I am getting a little annoyed with cash only places, mainly because its 2007 but also because I hate ATM fees. Anyways, that means a stop at the bank, but this time I had some rolled up change that I was going to trade in for cash. The bank teller is all nasty about it, giving me the hairy eyeball as if I was purposely trying to make her life miserable. Its bad enough when I buy a coffee using change and the server rolls her eyes at me, but when the bank teller gets upset that I am trading my change for cash something’s up. I am tired of apologizing for using change! I have so much of it that I am going to use it, and yes if its $1.07 I will say I have the change even if I have to dig around for it because I don’t want MORE change! What’s up with the change taboo anyways??!!!? Why do people have to be sorry they are using change? I notice this everywhere! Hell if I want to pay in change I will!!